
DMB. Branding and Furniture


 DMB. agency interiors

A few years ago we helped redesign the corporate identity for Austrias number 1 ranked advertising agency DMB.

Besides all graphic elements surrounding the rebrand we also designed a selection of interior furniture: mobile storage units, a conference table, and various large scale props such as an oversized marker pen and a two meter tall shopping bag.

Commissioned by DMB. Designed in collaboration with Banc Public (Olivier Crosnier & Miriam Eberhard).

Shopping Bag illustration by Tim Lahan.



oak, linoleum, powder coated perforated steel. Prototype by Caravanatelier. Project management by Mariusz Jan Demner. Production by Salvatore Corda falegnameria.


business cards

all employees were invited to chose their own slogan, thus becoming active parts of the corporate identity of the agency



Design and project management by Studio Elastik & Banc Public. Production by Gisela Hesser. Wallpainting by Concrete.



Paper shopping bags. Illustration by Tim Lahan.
Huge shopping bag production by Gisela Hesser.